Welcome to the creative corner

Welcome to the creative corner

Enter the mind of a graphic designer.

Be the first to get the latest scoop of news, insight into the life of a designer, and how to keep your processes and techniques always polished to conquer the next challenge that awaits!

Enter the mind of a graphic designer. Be the first to get the latest scoop of news, insight into the life of a designer,
and how to keep your processes and techniques always polished to conquer the next challenge that awaits!

Business Advice

Designers: You’re Accountable

Accountability isn’t something I think many designers give much thought to, especially inexperienced ones. When things go wrong during a project, accountability is what’s going

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Am I A Jack Of All Trades?

The likelihood is, if you’re a designer like me, coming from a background of self development learning from experiences rather than traditional education routes like

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Design Tips

A beginners guide to print

For someone new to print, getting your head around what you should do to set your artwork up properly can be quite an overwhelming experience.

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Being an introverted designer

When we think about someone being introverted, the mind always goes to the typical, stereotypical ideation – someone that is particularly shy, keeps to themself

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Design Tips

Onboarding Made Simple

Congratulations! You’ve just had an initial conversation with a potential client. They love what you offer and you’re both eager to get to work, but

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Design Tips

Keeping design files organised

Organisation admittedly doesn’t come naturally to us designers. You’re working on various projects, saving various file types, then next thing you know, the once glorious

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Business Advice

Designers: You’re Accountable

Accountability isn’t something I think many designers give much thought to, especially inexperienced ones. When things go wrong during a project, accountability is what’s

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Am I A Jack Of All Trades?

The likelihood is, if you’re a designer like me, coming from a background of self development learning from experiences rather than traditional education routes

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Design Tips

Onboarding Made Simple

Congratulations! You’ve just had an initial conversation with a potential client. They love what you offer and you’re both eager to get to work,

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Design Tips

Keeping design files organised

Organisation admittedly doesn’t come naturally to us designers. You’re working on various projects, saving various file types, then next thing you know, the once

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